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The 10 Happiest People on BOSUs

You know... 

There's something revealing about your smile... 

It's contagious. 

Smiles reveal happiness. 

You're inspiring thousands of people...

By showing your love of fitness...

Your love of BOSU...

Through a simple expression. 

It's rather brilliant. 

Thanks for sharing your happy moments with us.

I Conquered a Half Marathon #LikeAGirl

I didn’t realize it until I finished. I scanned the results…and did a double take. Missing a zero? I doubled back and checked again only to see the exact same thing.

Entrants: Female: 150, Male: 1150

I was tempted to ask somebody if I was, indeed, looking at a published list of half marathon finishers. I wasn’t researching income inequality or looking for the number of males and females that entered certain sectors of the workforce, but I wondered whether or not I hadn’t inadvertently stumbled onto something of that nature.

It was my first half marathon, and I was in Istanbul, Turkey. I was shocked to see that the published results were so disproportional. The list didn’t indicate all of the entrants that signed up or dropped out, but, regardless, the discrepancy between the number of male and female finishers was huge. I went home and checked to see what the ratio of male and female finishers in American races looked like and found that such severe discrepancies are less intrinsic in American races.

I was on YouTube the other day. An ad popped up.

Ads + YouTube + Little patience = A Grizzly Bear Personality

My instinctive response to ads is either a) skip the ad if given the option or b) divert my attention to one of the other twelve open tabs on my browser. However, this particular day was no ordinary day. My approach to YouTube and the advertisers took a monumental swerve.

Before I knew it, I had spent a whopping 3 minutes and 18 seconds of my life entranced by a marketing scheme devoted to feminine hygiene products. I congratulate the producers because my attention span is short, and they caught it.

And apparently I am not the only they caught. At the time I viewed it, their #LikeAGirl campaign had more than 250 times the views of the next most viewed video on their channel. The clip with the 2nd most views had been published four months prior. #LikeAGirl had been out for four weeks.

Their campaign made me recall my half marathon in Turkey.

The results explained the sidelong glances I had been receiving during my runs throughout my time in Turkey. During my training runs, my Turkish peers would comment that I ran a lot. I took it in stride; after all, I really had no room to argue. I did take note that the university campus that I frequently ran on had fewer runners on the sidewalks than I would encounter at my home university in the States. The results also explained why, during the race, when bystanders released strings of Turkish phrases ensued with erupting enthusiasm, my limited Turkish recognized the word for, “Woman!” It also explained why, as we ran through the smoggy allure of the Golden Horn, I thought I had caught the eyes of Turkish matriarchs and fish vendors alike stopping to gape.

I don’t mean that women don’t run in Turkey. Because the multitude of running trails and running groups with women in them would prove me wrong. The norms and roles that women and men fill are more dominated by cultural expectations in Turkey than they are in the United States. This isn’t to say that American women and men don’t have cultural norms to abide by. In some regards, Turkey is more progressive than the United States. Turkey is a fraction the age of the United States but nevertheless has had a female ruling leader. Can you go back through American history and pick out a female president? The experience only highlighted that females both in Turkey and the United States have ground to cover and some noise to make.

Girls. I challenge you. Tighten your shoestrings. There is so much you can do #LikeAGirl.

Be the next president.



Take a risk.

The beautiful thing is: risks and rewards often go hand-in-hand. And they are out there for the taking for males and females alike.

This entry was contributed by Stephanie Berger, a Public Relations and Marketing intern at Hedstrom - Ball, Bounce and Sport. She studies at the University of South Carolina and is addicted to breakfast foods and sunshine.

So You've Decided to Start the 1,200 Calorie Diet...

For women, they say consuming 1,200 calories a day is the minimum amount of food needed to eat enough nutrition to last the day. It’s a magical number for thousands of women all around the world who prioritize weight loss. Unless you’ve done a diet before, 1,200, 2,000, 1,500 calories… doesn’t really mean too much to you.
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Embarking on a diet that consists of 1,200 calories can be difficult. Try to imagine yourself starting your entire wardrobe over. You receive a gift card of $1,200 and are only allowed to spend it on clothes and accessories. While it might be tempting to buy a gorgeous wallet from Chanel (even then, it’d have to be on sale…), the best thing to do would be to buy a variety of things you liked.

Dieting on the 1,200 calorie diet is the exact same way. Trust me, it will be tempting to get something beautiful from Coldstone Creamery, but in calorie counting world, that’s like spending $600 on a bracelet we don’t really need. This doesn’t mean we can’t go to Coldstone with our friends or to treat ourselves! They have sorbet that might look less appetizing than their Signature Creations, but in the end, we’re eating something sweet and tasty and spending time with our loved ones. Besides, the hard part is only when we’re in line deciding what to get. After we make a solid decision to get the the sorbet, we get to socialize like any other human being (dieting or non-dieting) and enjoy our dessert.
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The thing to remember with spending our calories is that unlike retail purchases, we can’t exactly return calories back to the foods of which we received them. My friends and I usually go to a coffee shop or bar to socialize, and that usually means buying a drink or a snack. It’s easier to distribute my calories throughout my day when I know I will be consuming something specific later. However, last minute planning for these types of get-togethers can make a great difference in the amount of calorie intake for the day. So, maybe choose to be the designated driver while at the bar; this will prevent from over-spending calories.

Only consuming 1,200 calories can sound really restricting, but below are several helpful links with brilliant, creative ideas of how wonderful and appetizing a 1,200 calorie day can look. Check them out, and comment or email if you have any recipes of your own!


What Does a 1,200 Diet Look Like?

Why the 1,200 Calorie Meal Plan Works

What Foods to Eat on Your 1,200 Diet Plan

22 Best Weight Loss Android and iPhone Apps

10 iPhone Apps to Help Count Calories

Recipe Ideas and Menu Plans:

1,200 Calorie Diet Plan with Slide Show

1,200 Calorie Meal Plan

Traditional American Cuisine: 1,200 Calorie Diet Menu

7 Day 1,200 Calorie Diet Plan to Help Change Your Weight

Two Menus for a Roughly 1,200 Calorie Day

A 7-Day Meal Plan to Help Lose 20 Pounds

Cinnamon Challenge

A spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down.

Well, what about a spoonful of cinnamon?

Cinnamon and a spoon: these are two seemingly innocent objects that can cause you serious damage—possibly even death.

Let’s start from the beginning…

Cinnamon is a spice that actually has a variety of benefits. According to Organic Authority, some of these benefits include stabilizing (even lowering) blood sugar levels, decreasing bad cholesterol, and it can even relieve headaches.

All good things, yes?

This is correct; however, it’s important to consider how you ingest your ½ teaspoon of cinnamon each day.

This brings me back to the danger of the cinnamon and the spoon.

In the past couple of years, there has been a phenomenon called the cinnamon challenge.

I heard about this viral challenge that was taking over social media because my dad forwarded an article about it to me. He said, “This is stupid. Don’t do it.”

Come on now. Your parents tell you not to do something, and what’s the first thing you want to do? You want to do it!

I mean, it’s just cinnamon. What could possibly be so bad about this challenge?

Then I read the article.

Cinnamon, which I consider to be a miracle spice because of its array of health benefits, can be extremely dangerous if you swallow a spoonful of it without any liquids.

Part of what makes this “appealing” for some people is that swallowing cinnamon alone is painful. That’s why it’s called a “challenge.”

While the appeal of a challenge is sometimes just too great for people to pass up, the cinnamon challenge is not worth it.

Along with the pain, the cinnamon challenge can also make it difficult for you to breathe.

According to Forbes, “the ingestion of the powder invariably stimulates the gag reflex followed by inhalation of the powder that’s stuck inside the mouth and throat. The pain then causes rapid exhalation characterized by ‘dragon breath’ upon blowing the powder out.”

You could experience an asthma attack. You could damage your lungs—perhaps even cause one of them to collapse.

A collapsed lung can be a life-threatening condition. While I have not seen any reports of death caused directly by the cinnamon challenge, it is possible.

So, my dad was right when he said, “This is stupid. Don’t do it.” Don’t worry, Dad, I won’t.

And I hope you won’t either.

Here are 5 ideas for how you can get your daily recommended cinnamon intake that do not involve putting it on a spoon and swallowing it alone.

1. Top your mug of hot chocolate with some whipped cream and a little bit of cinnamon (you could even mix some cinnamon into the hot chocolate itself)
2. Combine a little bit of cinnamon with honey (you could eat this alone or use it as a topping for breakfast, perhaps)
3. Put some cinnamon on top of your oatmeal
4. Add a little bit of cinnamon to barbeque sauce
5. Make apple butter with some cinnamon mixed in

Remember that cinnamon is only beneficial in proportion. Do not add too much!

Have you previously heard of the cinnamon challenge? Share your ideas for how to mix cinnamon into your daily meals.

*Resources: wikiHow, Organic Authority, Core Physicians, and Forbes.

This blog entry was contributed by Adena Siefert, a PR and Marketing Intern at Hedstrom – Ball, Bounce and Sport. She recently graduated from Ashland University with degrees in Sport Communication and Public Relations. She likes listening to the Jonas Brothers during her morning commute.


Devoting time to exercise is crucial to a person’s physical and mental wellbeing. But that time devoted to exercise is limited. Why not make the most of it? The determining factor in how effective your workout is lies in your approach to working out and how you utilize that precious workout time. That age-old question of quantity vs. quality applies to your workout routines. It isn’t necessarily a question of how long you work out but how you work out that determines your success. If you need a workout switch-up and want a break from workout volume, try incorporating High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) into your routine.

Spend less time exercising. Burn fat quicker. Finish with a more effective workout.

Fitness magazine offered a 20 minute workout that incorporates the BOSU and a resistance band.

GlistenFit offers a 40 minute HIIT workout circuit.

Or try this workout and complete it in 30 minutes. Perform each exercise for one minute at high intensity. At the end of five, rest for one minute. Repeat the circuit five times.

  • Hip abduction
  • Lunge
  • Trunk rotation
  • Bicycle
  • Dome pushup
This entry was contributed by Stephanie Berger, a Public Relations and Marketing intern at Hedstrom - Ball, Bounce and Sport. She studies at the University of South Carolina and is addicted to breakfast foods and sunshine.

Enduring Strength: Ever Heard of Taiko?

Screen Shot 2014-08-28 at 9.30.43 AM.pngWhat is Taiko?

The first time I tried taiko, I was intimidated by the large drum. I tapped it lightly with my bachi sticks and a suppressed rumble escaped the seams of the drum head and carried through the room. It’s an amazing practice that involves physical endurance, mental endurance, music, Japanese culture, group activity, and a plethora of other ideas.

“Taiko” in Japanese means drum, but taiko today is more commonly referred to as a Japanese drum ensemble. Perhaps you’ve seen performances of taiko at a festival or on TV or on a TED Talk. As taiko became more and more popular in pop culture, more groups formed and started to let go of the traditional repertoire of music and started to perform new pieces with a modern touch of hip hop or dance.

Apart from all of the musical reasons of why taiko is an enticing practice, taiko requires its players to be physically apt. To become a great taiko player, one needs to have the endurance to stand or sit in a variety of positions for six minutes or longer for multiple performances. Some of the most famous taiko groups require a set routine to help the players be in shape. The taiko ensemble Kodo begins each day at 5:30 a.m. and run six miles. Their daily regimen encompasses 12 hours of physical preparation and rehearsal. Another famous taiko group known for their physical demands is Ondekoza. They are famous for running a 10k in the morning, afternoon, and only eat as necessary to sustain their health. While their endurance seems to defy human nature, their ability to perform with musicality really demonstrates to audiences their deep concentration and the intensity of their practices. A while ago, we shared a blog about mental focus on weight lifting and musical composition, and taiko is certainly no exception to 100% mental focus for both music performance and physical awareness.

What are the demands?

Watching a performance of taiko makes it easy to see some of the physical demands of performing, especially with groups like Kodo. Perhaps their advanced techniques and movements are admirable to see because they memorize everything. Did you notice no one has sheet music to read from? What about how everyone does the same movement at the same time? On top of memorizing the correct movements and memorizing the music, the players need to memorized how to use their energy for endurance to perform, and lastly, make sure they can perform well!

Here are some aspects of performing taiko:

  • Matching: One of the most important elements of a successful performance of taiko is the player’s ability to match. While individuality is highly valued (many pieces include solos, both memorized and improvised!), the ability to match the other players shows the wholeness of the group and gives the audience a stunning representation to watch. The video below is a perfect example of how matching can create an incredible visual.
  • Stance: Many pieces require a performer to stand in one position for several minutes. One of the best examples of this is from this video (Kodo, from the top). In this particular piece, the players are in a sitting position. Again, because matching is very important to the impact of a performance, the angles of their backs also match. Another great example of a common stance is in the photo below. When I first learned taiko, this was the stance I learned. It seemed easy enough, but depending on the height of the drum (see the woman in the back?) or the arm movements, it was very difficult to find my balance. Not to mention spending a whole hour and a half rehearsal in this position and trying to memorize the music. However, there are plenty of pieces that require constant movement, but that’s a completely different performance technique.
  • Arm movement: One of the most expressive aspects of taiko are the arm movements. Arm movements in taiko can vary from being very small and unnoticeable to being elaborate parts of the choreography. While the whole body is essentially responsible for the sound that comes out of the drums, the arms determine the speed at which the stick hits the drum, which can affect the type of sound coming from the drum. One of the easiest and worst habits to do is to tense up the arms. Often times, the arms are extended behind the body or up in the air, which can be incredibly tiring. Practicing in a mirror or with a partner is essential to developing correct arm and muscle movements. What I imagined myself performing wasn’t always how I actually looked when performing. A beautiful example of arm movement choreography is this video of Raging Asian Women (RAW) performing.
  • Sticking and Stick Height: Sticking is knowing which hand to use at the right time. Learning sticking can be difficult for everyone, especially with more difficult pieces but there are plenty of resources and ways to practice it. Many taiko groups teach pieces through rote learning. Rote learning is a memorization technique based on repetition. By repeating the movements so much, the player will eventually memorize it. It helps that taiko is a recordable art so others can learn from watching and listening repeatedly.
  • Controlling your body: One of the most difficult things to do when performing and rehearsing taiko is to remember to relax and control your own body, which is the most important aspect of any workout or musical instrument. I mentioned earlier that one of the worst habits to form as a taiko performer is tensing up. This does no favors for the muscles and it prohibits movement from being fluid. While our taiko leader never made us run six miles before rehearsal, we often did stretches and other exercises like jumping jacks, push ups, or crunches. These all helped our bodies to get pumping.

Who can do Taiko?

Anyone who can hold bachi sticks! You don’t have to be athletic to start, and you don’t have to have any previous musical experience. Either can certainly help, but plenty of people perform taiko successfully without knowing anything about fitness or music. While I had my first experience of taiko at Bowling Green State University, there are many other groups out there. College ensembles, taiko workout groups, leisure groups, professional groups, children groups, and several clubs all provide opportunities to perform taiko or use it for its many benefits. The thing about my taiko class that was so inspiring were the plenty of non-athletic people who perhaps never worked out, never ran, never did anything physical, who pushed their bodies to be apart of the group and performance. At the end of every class, each of us were sweating from hard work and concentration.

The beauty of taiko:

What I find to be the beauty of taiko is that it uses the human body in such an expressive way to create different sounds in a single drum. In the rehearsal, the player’s mind has to think of what movements their body has to do in order to make a certain sound come out of the drum. Like I said in the beginning, the large drum is a little intimidating. However, when players take ownership over the drum, it also means they have full control over their bodies. It’s claiming that right over their own body that makes them look incredibly powerful, confident, and strong.

If you’d like to find out more about taiko, check out some of these links:

This entry was contributed by Shannon Bolen, a Public Relations and Marketing intern at Hedstrom - Ball, Bounce and Sport. She recently graduated from Bowling Green State University. She loves the show Once Upon A Time.

Parkinson's Disease

He plays ping pong. He plays tennis. He goes horseback riding.

He’s my grandpa, and he’s 81 years old.

When I was little, my grandpa would take me to the farm where he kept his horse, and I would watch him ride.

Back then, I never gave much thought to what it means for him to be able to do that at his age.

As I am now older, it dawned on me that my grandpa is older, too. And yet, he acts like he hasn’t aged at all. He exercises every single day.

Occasionally, he will play tennis with some of his friends. When the weather isn’t suitable, his friends will come over to his house and play ping pong with him in his basement.

Don’t let his age fool you. He may act the role of someone who will be easy to beat at any game, but he and I will play ping pong when I visit, and, trust me, he does not take it easy on me.

When he’s not horseback riding, playing tennis, or beating me at ping pong, he will use the exercise equipment in his basement (weights, treadmill).

Oh, one thing I forgot to mention about my grandpa… he has Parkinson’s disease (PD).

This disease causes him to have a tremor in his hand, imbalance, and it’s sometimes difficult for him to speak (slow speech, quiet).

He does not let Parkinson’s, which affects an estimated one million people in the United States according to the Parkinson’s Disease Foundation, control his life.

It is well known that exercise provides a wide range of benefits for our health, including weight control, increase of energy, stress management, and more.

Exercise, such as walking, can also improve balance, which, as mentioned, is one of the symptoms from which my grandpa suffers because of PD.

PD affects the brain, causing neurons to become damaged or lost. And it turns out that exercise may help with this, as well.

The Parkinson’s Disease Foundation (PDF) believes, “intensive exercise can alter the way the brain works and promote recovery” of Parkinson’s disease.

I think my grandpa can be considered proof of this. Granted, he still has signs of the disease, but it by no means has gotten worse.

As stated by the PDF, it is not conclusive that exercise can benefit an individual with Parkinson’s disease in the long-run, but I am a firm believer that it has helped my grandpa tremendously.

Regardless of his age, ignoring any and all disabilities, he still finds a way to exercise because it not only helps him, but he enjoys it. After all, it’s not how old you are that’s important—it’s how old you feel. And I’d say my grandpa is feeling pretty good.

He is an inspiration.

No more excuses. It’s time to hit the gym.

This blog entry was contributed by Adena Siefert, a PR and Marketing Intern at Hedstrom – Ball, Bounce and Sport. She recently graduated from Ashland University with degrees in Sport Communication and Public Relations. She enjoys swimming and eating trail mix.

*Note: We are not doctors. Some of the information found for this post was retrieved from the Parkinson’s Disease Foundation. For more information, contact your physician.

7 Times Buzzfeed Actually Got Healthy Living Right

Buzzfeed is usually a hit or miss with most people. They publish the most ridiculous stories we never thought could ever be published, and we find ourselves sharing them on Facebook, Twitter, and now Pinterest. From a health and diet perspective, Buzzfeed is a source of both good and bad information. The bad articles are especially easy to tell apart because they usually headline about dropping 20 pounds in three days or something completely unrealistic.

BananasHowever, here are seven links to Buzzfeed articles that are ACTUALLY helpful for healthy living:

11 Of The Best Things To Eat Before A Workout

Definitely a winner! This article nails some of my favorite treats I eat in the morning before my morning jog.

The 14 Best Things To Eat After A Workout

This article makes me want to move to a tropical island. These foods look like dessert without the guilt after a great workout.

29 Meat-Free Meals You Can Make Without Your Stove

Even if you’re not a vegetarian, check these meals out. They’re healthy and easy to grab from the fridge when we’re in a hurry or really hungry!

What Lifting Weights Taught Me About Being A Woman

Okay, so this is targeted toward women, BUT! Men can definitely enjoy this article just as much. It’s not just for women who lift weights! Many of these lessons are universally true throughout the fitness community. Truly inspirational.

12 Moves To Help You Train For A Mud Run

This should be renamed to 12 Moves to Help You Get in Shape! These are awesome exercises that we might already do! They’re not just for Mud Runs, that’s for sure. This is a full body workout, including some of our favorite BOSU moves!

11 Times That You Accidentally Exercised

These are funny but clever ways to find yourself exercising throughout the day. I might even work a little harder at some of these knowing they can actually really help!

13 Hefty Facts About How You Actually Lose Weight

We all have that one friend who tried to lose 5 pounds in a week from juicing for three days. This video is a really important video for people who are tempted by quick and fast diets. It explains the basis of a healthy way to lose weight. I admit, it’s more about food and less about exercise, but those two go hand in hand. This is a great video for any beginning dieter.


11 Quotes That Will Bring Out The Health Freak In You

When I first saw this, I thought it would be more about food. It’s ALL about fitness. Take some time and read some of these quoted photos. They’re all good quality, so we can all start posting them and tagging #fitfam anytime now.

This entry was contributed by Shannon Bolen, a Public Relations and Marketing intern at Hedstrom - Ball, Bounce and Sport. She recently graduated from Bowling Green State University in music education and currently listens to Matt and Kim in her car.

Jog with a Dog

That moment when you and your jogging/running partner agree to meet at certain time, and then they show up late.

And also that moment when your jogging partner doesn’t even show up at all.

Yeah, those moments aren’t very much fun.

We’ve all been there. Unfortunately, people are sometimes not very reliable.

Of course, we’re human! We love to give people the benefit of the doubt. So what if they show up late? That doesn’t mean it’s going to happen every day.

So what if they don’t even come? I can jog by myself—it’s not a big deal. They were probably busy.

But, most of the time, we decide to have a jogging partner for a variety of reasons:

1. It’s not as much fun to jog by yourself
2. Jogging with a partner makes your allotted distance feel shorter because you talk and talk and talk…and lose track of time
3. You hope that your partner will keep you focused on your goals—you don’t want to let them down, so you will definitely show up

So, when your partner doesn’t show up, you’re kind of bummed. It’s disappointing.

To avoid this, here’s what I suggest: jog with a dog!

If you don’t have a dog, you probably have a local shelter who would love if you volunteered to give the dogs exercise. After all, dogs need exercise as much as you and me.

There are also dogs who have a lot of energy building up and need to let it loose.

If you’re tired of your jogging partner not showing up, here are 10 dog breeds who would love to take your partner’s place:

1. Dalmatian
2. Labrador Retriever
3. Weimaraner
4. Border Collie
5. Siberian Husky
6. Australian Cattle Dog
7. Greyhound
8. Vizsla
9. Bloodhound
10. Brittany

I hope these dogs turn out to be more reliable than your jogging partner!

The blog entry was contributed by Adena Siefert, PR and Marketing Intern at Hedstrom – Ball, Bounce and Sport. She recently graduated from Ashland University with degrees in Sport Communication and Public Relations. She is a proud owner of two rescued Dalmatians.

*Resources: Dog Breed Info, eHow, and Dogtime.

Strong Bodies, Strong Minds

Having a strong mind is just as important as having a strong body, but how can we measure the strength of our mind or thoughts? I’m not talking about knowing facts, answering the correct questions, or standardized tests, but rather, how can we measure the strength of our personal thoughts? Our opinions?

I often wonder what people think about while they’re working out alone. I imagine a bit of counting, reinforcement, and self discipline goes on, but what about their thoughts behind it all? What motivates them? What are their strong thoughts?

History has admired this question for a long time. Let’s look at the Mona Lisa. The famous question asks, “What is she thinking?” It’s a question people have been asking for a lifetime. Whatever she is thinking, it escapes through the techniques of which Leonardo DaVinci chose to paint her. Whether it’s her own thought or DaVinci’s personal thoughts, it has created a lasting impression throughout time. A strong thought indeed.

The places we find ourselves with strong thoughts can come from various places. Perhaps we create strong thoughts when we see our kids playing outside, when we see a great movie (cough, Inception..), or find something enticing on StumbleUpon. Maybe we get them when we’re with people at church, at the bar, or just hanging out.

But what about being alone with strong thoughts? Something wonderful gives the sense liberation about doing things by oneself. Of course, we should balance between being alone and being with others, but the thoughts we think while we do things for ourselves are incredibly valuable. In these moments, we let our minds wander down rabbit holes. I’m talking about the incredibly thoughtful ideas our minds can think of while we are taking showers, going for a walk, eating by ourselves, or to bring it back to the beginning of this post, working out. I challenge everyone to treat themselves to a decent dinner (AT the restaurant) for themselves and themselves only. Romantic comedies have created this unsolicited idea that eating alone is something people should fear. Trust me, it’s strange and uncomfortable at first, but there is value in it. As dear Winston Churchill said, “This is no time for ease and comfort. It is time to dare and endure.”

Write or save the strong thoughts you have. Don’t worry, it won’t be like reading your diary from elementary school. This will be good. In a video interview, the incredible performance artist Marina Abramovic used an exercise for her students about this exact idea. She asked them to buy colored sheets of paper and a trash can. Around the same time of every day for three months, Abramovic asked her students to write down their good ideas. The ones they liked, they put to the right side of the table, and the ones they didn’t like would go in the trash. After the three months, the students were very eager to share their good ideas. She told them she wasn’t interested in good ideas, and instead went through their trash cans and said, “Every idea was incredible.”

Keep making strong thoughts, strong minds, strong bodies. Embrace the ideas your own body, mind, and spirit create. Keep putting yourself in situations where you surprise even yourself. Just as one is encouraged to “dare and endure” physically, I challenge everyone to mentally dare ourselves to fall down our rabbit holes and discover something new and refreshing.

You can watch the video interview with Marina Abramovic here:

This entry was contributed by Shannon Bolen, a Public Relations and Marketing intern at Hedstrom - Ball, Bounce and Sport. She recently graduated from Bowling Green State University and her favorite Marina Abramovic piece is Rest Energy.

Zucchini Complex

Several months ago, my mom warned my dad not to spray weed-killer on our garden in the front of our house.

Apparently, my uncle placed zucchini seeds in our garden.

Ew. “Zucchini?” I thought.

I forgot all about the vegetable until last night, when the zucchini in our garden was mentioned again: “The zucchini is starting to bloom,” my mom said.


My mom apparently could see the disgust on my face because she said, “What? You like zucchini.”

Since when? Then, I thought about it… and you know what? I do like zucchini.

I have honestly never given zucchini much thought. It has never been on my list of “favorite vegetables” like corn, carrots, and potatoes.

I never realized how many recipes I like that include zucchini.

For instance, zucchini bread. It even has zucchini in its name, and yet I still thought I didn’t like zucchini. (In my defense, if you’ve ever had zucchini bread, you know the zucchini is kind of hidden).

And have you ever been to a hibachi grill? They’ve always put zucchini in my mixed vegetables, and I’ve eaten it!

The green summer squash even has several health benefits I was unaware of, such as the ability to lower cholesterol, aiding cardiovascular health, and providing Vitamins A and C.

In fact, it is believed that zucchini may also help in preventing cancer: “the vitamins C and A, as well as folate, found in zucchini act as powerful antioxidants that fight oxidative stress that can lead to many different types of cancer,” according to HealthDiaries.com.

I’m sorry, zucchini, that I was painfully unaware to the fact that I enjoy your taste… not to mention the fact that you offer health benefits that I desperately need in my diet!

Readers: If you are like me and would like to incorporate more zucchini into your life, especially because it's in season, here are five zucchini recipes—desserts, snacks, and meals—for you to try:

1. Zucchini-Oat Chocolate Chip Cookies
2. Zucchini Parmesan and Corn
3. Zucchini Feta Patties
4. Zucchini Pizza Bites
5. Cheeseburger-Stuffed Zucchini

I’m most looking forward to trying the zucchini pizza bites. What about you?

This blog entry was contributed by Adena Siefert, a PR and Marketing Intern at Hedstrom – Ball, Bounce and Sport. She recently graduated from Ashland University with degrees in Sport Communication and Public Relations. She enjoys using the Twitter app way too much.

Race the Train!

Trains, rolling hills, a city by the sea, and… RUNNING! What more could anyone ask for? Fourteen glorious miles of beautiful scenery, encouragement, and competitive drive against a machine. Race the Train is one of the most unique types of running events available to runners and viewers.

Wales is home to the most famous of the Race the Train events, consisting of a 14 mile (and yes, British people use the ‘mile’) trail alongside the train tracks of Talyllyn Railway Station. The runner’s track starts in Tywyn and goes as far as Abergynolwyn. The track itself treks through several homeowner’s backyards, so it is not possible for runners to practice running their track before the race. Rain plays a big factor in the race as well as mud puddles and slippery bits. It is the UK after all. However, regardless of the trials and potential hazards, safety has not been a huge issue as there are several hundreds of people involved both in and outside the race. The race is particularly known for its incredible views, although I can’t help but wonder if runners determined to beat the train take the time to look around!

Although the race originated on the west coast of the United Kingdom in Tywyn, its popularity has spread to other cities worldwide. However, international runners still show up to Tywyn and try to beat the train each year. Race the Train came from humble beginnings. A dentist from the area named Godfrey Worsey created the idea of runners racing a train in 1984, and held the very first race there. That very first race had 48 runners and grew to a have over 1,000 participants in 2013.

Supporters of the runners have an option of riding the train. After watching a video of a newscaster doing a piece on the Race the Train from 2005, I was completely blown away by the idea that one could look out the window of the train and see a person running past it. Supporters must book their tickets far in advance as there are limited spots available. Due to the high popularity, the rail station has a second train to run after the first train. This is great for people who might be supporting slower runners! The train finishes in roughly 2 hours and has several stops along the way that give runners a chance to get ahead. The train has a ten minute stop at the further points of the track, which is where the other runners can start their shorter race against the train.

From here, runners who elected to take the train have an option of running half of the 14 mile track. Race the Train has four shorter races, one even being for toddlers! The record for the fastest runner who beat the train was just over an hour and 18 minutes. That’s an amazing feat. With the runner’s track having the potential to change, there is no way to fully prepare oneself for the exact track to take. Preparing for the run based off of a generalized map, runners from far and wide love this event. This year’s race took place on August 15, 2014. The next race will be held on Saturday August 15, 2015.

For more information on the Race the Train, visit www.racethetrain.com.

For more information on some of the world’s best outdoor activities in Wales, please visit http://www.visitwales.com/things-to-do/activities.

Training for Football

Football season is upon us. Americans wait the whole year for the distinct smells that combines aromas of crisp fall, new pigskins, wet grass, booze, and hot chocolate. We’re so enthused that we follow football at every competitive level: from peewee to high school to pro.  One team is never enough. One football game never satisfies. We always come back begging for more.

The roar of the stadiums will soon be drowning out any intelligible thoughts as the two teams have spent months preparing come face to face. One team will emerge victorious. Player motivation, coaching decisions, fan support, talent, and not least of all training will determine who will rise as victor.

The time and diligence spent repeating drills, weightlifting, and bulking up pay off in the stadium. The imposing figure of a football player leads an outsider to believe that most time spent strength training and packing on the muscle; balance also is an integral, if less obvious, part of a football team’s training regimen. For obvious reasons, players need to be in tune with their bodies. Incidentally, balance training is shown to reduce chances of ankle sprains. While balance training is incorporated during rehabilitation for athletes who sprain an ankle, it is worthwhile for trainers to be proactive and incorporate training that will reduce chances of sprains occurring in the first place. To achieve balance training objectives trainers will design workouts using the BOSU® Balance Trainer. Don’t believe it? Check out some of the informational clips on the web (like this one) that people have made for football players.

Or if you want real, authentic proof straight from the pros, I’ll redirect to your attention to these shots that have been floating around cyberspace of the Steelers.

Questioning the power of balance? I’ve seen these people on the field. I have enough faith in the powerful combination of their balance, stability, and power to know that I wouldn’t want to be caught standing in front of them.

During football season I cheer from the sidelines or from the safety of my living room with firm confidence that balance training leads a team to have poise and stability that will make certain that their opponents on the field will be in for one wild ride.

This entry was contributed by Stephanie Berger, a Public Relations and Marketing intern at Hedstrom - Ball, Bounce and Sport. She studies at the University of South Carolina and is addicted to breakfast foods and sunshine.

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