Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth... in a healthier way

You exercise. You eat right. Maybe you don’t go out with your friends because you don’t want any temptations—just the slightest whiff of a burger, fries, or any kind of dessert could make you cave.

Then comes cheat day. The day that allows you to reward yourself for all that you’ve done the past week—the salads, the squats, the running…

If you’re like me, you have a love-hate relationship with cheat day. You get to indulge in what you’ve been missing all week, but sometimes it can be taken too far. Sometimes it’s hard to convince yourself to eat healthy again the next day because, let’s face it, that chocolate chip cookie just tasted so good. And sometimes you might slip before cheat day arrives, and it can send you down the slippery slope of going back to your old ways.

“I have self-control. I know I won’t overdo it,” you might say. And that’s great! But, unfortunately, not all of us possess that kind of self-control, and that is nothing to be ashamed of.

Don’t worry—there is a solution. You can still satisfy your sweet tooth on cheat day—you deserve to!—but do it more wisely.

But how?

There’s an answer to that, too. (And it’s easy, I promise). Find recipes that are still healthy but also give you the indulgence that you need. It’s cheating without really cheating.

Now, I don't mean eat some fruit when you're craving sweets. Fruit is wonderful, but that's not always what you want on cheat day. I'm talking about truly treating yourself—ice cream, cookies, pie.

To save you some time, here are 10 of my favorite sweet and healthy desserts. Give these a try on your next cheat day!

Again, the key is to have these only on occasion and in proportion, but I hope these recipes allow you to enjoy your next cheat day (without all the calories).

For more recipes (sweet and savory), follow BOSU Fitness on Pinterest.

Do you have a favorite cheat day recipe? I’d love to hear it!

This blog entry was contributed by Adena Siefert, a PR and Marketing Intern at Hedstrom - Ball, Bounce and Sport. She recently graduated from Ashland University with degrees in Sport Communication and Public Relations. She loves puppies and flowers.

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