When Halftime Becomes Movetime

There is a game celebrated by people ranging from the mountains of Peru, the stadiums of privileged East Coast prep schools, the cities of India and the plains of Russia. Those scrappy matches in dusty lots and back street alleys only come to a pause for one event every four years that glorifies match after match. The one event that soccer fans everywhere have been waiting on for four years is almost over.

The 2014 World Cup thus far has had its share of suspense, expected upsets and thrilling victories. In between the bitter debates over penalties and the colorful excitement of Brazil, there are other points of intrigue that have been less exposed to the public eye. Japan has long gone home, but soccer fans should take note of what Japanese midfielder Shinji Kagawa was training with.

Since the The BOSU® Balance trainer can be used to promote balance and a stronger core—both of which are essential traits for a pro athlete—his trainers had a bigger goal in mind than for him to just mimic the form of an inept pole-vaulter. While the entire Japanese soccer team was caught red-handed with BOSU® Balance trainers, it isn’t a training device exclusively for the professional athlete.

Balance and strength are just as essential for the rest of us in society that haven’t been blessed with the skills to competently direct a ball where we want it to go. Some do have the tendency to inflate assessment of his or her own individual soccer skills (sort of like turning the volume of the radio up to the point where you can’t hear yourself screaming yet are still able to persuade yourself that you are singing in key). However, few would argue that they couldn’t use more of a tune-up in their fitness routines. The pros are in Brazil and we are drooling over their every move. Some of us openly admit we couldn’t tell a ball was coming at us let alone make contact, others showoff at weekend club games with their own speed and style, and the rest of us are watching the games only because somebody roped us in. Even though we don’t share the same moves, we are going to pursue the training methods that the pros use. Because who doesn’t want better balance and a stronger abdomen?

Kagawa was having the time of his life on his BOSU® Balance trainer at practice. Fortunately, we don’t have to be Kagawa to lug a barbell to the middle of a stadium to hone our bodies. Pick out a spot in front of your TV during the remaining matches and complete this 10 minute workout by #GRITbyBrit.

So just how many matches remain? And how many minutes of workouts would that make? I’ve never been mistaken for being an elite athlete, but I’m ready to switch up my routine of running to the kitchen for snack refills. There has got to be a better way for me to cope with the suspense than eating it all away.

Halftime? Bring out the BOSU. I’ve got some abs of steel just waiting for me to dust them off.

This blog was contributed by Stephanie Berger, a Public Relations and Marketing intern at Hedstrom - Ball, Bounce and Sport. She studies at the University of South Carolina and is addicted to breakfast foods and sunshine.

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