What A Person's Gym Shoes Says About Them

We love the diversity of people dedicated to working out, looking good, and being fit. You have to admit that it takes serious motivation and commitment to go to the gym, let alone sign up for a gym membership.

The beauty is that there isn’t just one certain group of people that puts forth that dedication. You can meet a wide variety of people at the gym.

Take a look at the shoes. You can tell a lot about somebody working out just by looking at their shoes.

  • White Sneakers. The little lady that always smiles and waves before stepping on the treadmill is wearing a pair of white sneakers. While the shoes are inconspicuous, do not underestimate her dedication. Even when she isn’t at the gym, she stays active getting up early to bake for the family and stays out late at the grandkids' T-ball games.
  • Gray Cross-Trainers from Asics. You’ll recognize him as the working man next door. The friendly neighbor that stops at the gym on the way home from the office will be reacquainting himself with the dumbbells that he knew oh-so-well back in his younger days. Maybe you currently bench-press more than he does, but stop and ask him what he used to do and what his goals are.
  • Flashy Nikes. Clearly an extrovert. The people wearing these are dedicated to looking good and being fit. (Or they have a significant other that makes sure they look good.) If you are lucky, you can catch them taking a selfie. Instagram will make those bright colors pop.
  • Classic Pair of Adidas. This guy pumps some serious iron. Don’t let the tough-guy act fool you; you can find his soft spot and start up some conversation if you offer to buy him a protein shake.
  • The Sleek Pumas. Back in the day this person was a track star or soccer goddess.This person has a lot of self-confidence in his or her ability. Whether or not that confidence is well-founded is for you to decide.
  • Worn-out Mizunos or Sauconys. You probably are in the proximity of a runner. Don’t take it personal if they start to speed up when you step on the treadmill. They can’t help it. In response you should either: a) speed up and give them a run for their money, b) carry on as planned, or c)switch to the elliptical.
  • A Pair of Reebok or New Balance. You’ve likely spotted a CrossFitter. Take note of their workout intensity. If you love extreme enthusiasm go and strike up some conversation. Or avoid them if you don’t. Either way you should take note that you might find yourself subconsciously competing against them on the rowing machines.
If you’re competitive, you might find yourself eying up everybody else as competitors. But just because somebody wears a different pair of shoes doesn’t mean you should avoid them. They say that birds of the same feather flock together. Put that notion to rest. Work out with somebody else who has a different pair of kicks. Regardless of whether it be fitness or shoe related, you are likely to learn something new at the gym. And if you are open to people of a different shoe, you just might get a new workout buddy.

This entry was contributed by Stephanie Berger, a Public Relations and Marketing intern at Hedstrom - Ball, Bounce and Sport. She studies at the University of South Carolina and is addicted to breakfast foods and sunshine.

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