Devoting time to exercise is crucial to a person’s physical and mental wellbeing. But that time devoted to exercise is limited. Why not make the most of it? The determining factor in how effective your workout is lies in your approach to working out and how you utilize that precious workout time. That age-old question of quantity vs. quality applies to your workout routines. It isn’t necessarily a question of how long you work out but how you work out that determines your success. If you need a workout switch-up and want a break from workout volume, try incorporating High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) into your routine.

Spend less time exercising. Burn fat quicker. Finish with a more effective workout.

Fitness magazine offered a 20 minute workout that incorporates the BOSU and a resistance band.

GlistenFit offers a 40 minute HIIT workout circuit.

Or try this workout and complete it in 30 minutes. Perform each exercise for one minute at high intensity. At the end of five, rest for one minute. Repeat the circuit five times.

  • Hip abduction
  • Lunge
  • Trunk rotation
  • Bicycle
  • Dome pushup
This entry was contributed by Stephanie Berger, a Public Relations and Marketing intern at Hedstrom - Ball, Bounce and Sport. She studies at the University of South Carolina and is addicted to breakfast foods and sunshine.

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