Fair Weather Exercise

You wake up, roll over and search out the window. You squint, wondering why it’s so dark and twist your neck to find the time. After all, the darkness outside should only mean that you can roll over for a few more zz’s. You find the time and you do a groggy shrug as you realize you did not wake up any earlier than need be. You twist to see the window through half-closed eyes and make out the large storm clouds and the blowing tree branches. The alarm buzzed for your morning workout without seeking the sun’s permission.

If the sun couldn’t find the energy to rise, you feel no obligation to beat it. You hit snooze until the 45 minutes you had devoted to set aside for you and your body pass by. When you can’t push it off any longer you rise, dress, and step out of the house into the storm to face the day.

The morning sets the tone for the rest of the day. The hours drag by, lunch is composed of office meetings, and errands after the workday ensure that there is no other time to shake loose. At the end of the day your brain is fried and it is all you can do to eat dinner and take care of the family, check stocks, or plop on the couch to watch mindless reality TV. Meanwhile, the intermittent rain starts again while you promise that tomorrow will be a new day.

It happens. Some people are more affected by negative weather patterns than others. There exists that breed of people who celebrate storm clouds and rain and take the opportunity to sit by the window and enjoy the show. Others are fueled by light and sun and overcast weather signals a less than optimal day.

Should the weather really dictate your life? An off day is not indicative of anything. We all need days to sleep in and recuperate. However, letting those off days trudge into a wearing routine implies more serious problems. Lacking the energy to rise at the sound of the alarm or barely being able to make it through the day laying the blame on the weather are symptoms of bigger imbalances. Your life should not be subject to the whims and fickleness of the skies.

Analyze your habits. Is your inability to rise a sporadic occurrence that follows the occasional overcast day or a regular pattern where the sound of the alarm makes every morning look like a storm is about to break?

Don’t let the weather make or break your day. The secret isn’t the weather. The energy you have is what determines how you greet the day, rain or shine. The lower your energy, the more gloomy weather you will exacerbate your sluggishness.

Go back to the basics if you need tips on how to start the day off right regardless of the weather.

This entry was contributed by Stephanie Berger, a Public Relations and Marketing intern at Hedstrom - Ball, Bounce and Sport. She studies at the University of South Carolina and is addicted to breakfast foods and sunshine.


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