Calories: Popular Halloween Foods & Drinks

One of the most beloved holidays of the year is quickly approaching: Halloween!

Costumes, trick-or-treating, parties, a plethora of foods and drinks…

It’s easy to get carried away in the fantastical holiday. Who doesn’t love watching scary movies, dressing up, and going for a hayride?

If you are trying to watch what you eat, then October 31 may be a day that you are dreading this year. You may see your friends knocking back drinks and eating cookie after cookie after cookie…

But I digress. Let’s take a look at how many calories are in some of the popular foods and drinks you may want to indulge in this Halloween.


Keep in mind that this nutritional information may vary depending on the manufacturer or your specific recipe, but this at least gives you an idea of what to expect.

Dress up, spend time with friends, enjoy the holiday, and—yes—have some Halloween food! Just be mindful of how much you’re having.

Happy Halloween!


The blog entry was contributed by Adena Siefert, PR and Marketing Intern at Hedstrom – Ball, Bounce and Sport. She recently graduated from Ashland University with degrees in Sport Communication and Public Relations. She wants to go trick-or-treating.

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