Keep Calm and Hike On

When I get home from work, sometimes the last thing I feel like doing is staying inside to exercise….so I head for the trails. When the weather is just too perfect to pass up, going for a jog or hike on the trails is a great way to enjoy nature and stay fit.

I have recently discovered some beautiful trails in my hometown and take advantage of them any chance I get. You don’t need to search very far from your backyard to find a trail or two. I think you’ll be surprised at the hidden gems you’ll find!

Walking or running outside is an ideal activity; it’s great for both your physical and mental health. Whether you hike up a steep, rocky mountain or walk along a smooth path, you can experience plenty of health benefits from walking or running a few miles a day outside.

Benefits of Walking/Hiking in the Great Outdoors:

Builds strength- Some people don’t think that walking is enough exercise to keep you healthy, but combined with a healthy diet and regular stretching, walking will strengthen your muscles.

Burns calories- By maintaining a moderate pace and exercising on natural inclines/declines, your body will burn more calories!

Boosts your mood- There’s no greater feeling that compares to enjoying the beauty of nature. Something about taking in all of the sights, smells and sounds around you is an instant mood elevator. You’re guaranteed to leave the trails in a better mood!

Calms anger- Walking around outside with no distractions is an easy way to help people calm down and relax.

Escape from technology and distractions- When I go for a run or walk on the trails, I sometimes like to leave my phone in the car. Instead of keeping up with social media, checking emails and listening to music, just look around you and take in nature!

Connect with nature- Getting out of the house and changing up your usual workout routine will allow you to appreciate your surroundings.

Byers Woods in Ashland, Ohio is one of my favorite trails. Especially in the fall!

I’m a sucker for sunsets, and Freer Field in Ashland, Ohio has some awesome trails through the woods and gives you beautiful views like this one!
Ready to find some trails near you? Trail Link is a great site to use that shows you local trails and paths nearest you!

This blog post was contributed by Allie Squires, a PR and Marketing intern at Hedstrom - Ball, Bounce & Sport. She recently graduated from The Ohio State University with a degree in Strategic Communications. Her favorite hiking spot is the Grand Canyon and would one day like to hike the Appalachian Trail. 

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