Challenge Yourself

I love hearing about others taking their first steps toward a healthier lifestyle, whether it be somebody making their first attempt at doing a pushup, committing to a more wholesome diet, or setting a new goal in their fitness activity of choice. The highlight of my newsfeed the other day was a woman proclaiming that she had started running. She declared that she wasn’t a “runner,” but she set a goal to run her first 5k race in November. She recounted her first run and the struggle she had making it to one mile. She described the timeline of her progress until she reached the day she had finally finished running 1.5 miles. PROGRESS! She was positive and upbeat. Her excitement was contagious. She admitted that she expected challenges but believed that dedication and the people in her life would help her achieve her goal.

I’m thrilled for her. It’s gutsy to try something new when it’s something completely unfamiliar to you.

Perhaps you’ve been there, or you are there now. I know I’ve been at that stage before in my life. The first time a friend asked me to run three miles with her, I laughed in her face. She eventually persuaded me, and I allowed her to convince me to come back and do it again. And again. And again. It eventually became a habit. I was surprised when I found out that I liked it. Although I admit, at first I didn’t like running for the essence of running. I loved the people that it drew together and the community that I became a part of.

People are a powerful force. The woman that has a 5k to defeat in November acknowledged that. People hold her accountable to running. People motivated me to run. What are the people in your life inspiring you to do? Contrary to popular belief, an invitation from somebody to do something doesn’t need an automatic rejection. Lives are busy, but you can say “yes” and rise to the challenge.

So, find your peeps. Bring that fear out in the open and let it breathe. Set a goal. Conquer. The challenge could be anything, and you might already have a good inkling at a challenge that you’ve been putting off. Do it by yourself with your family cheering you on, with a friend, in a group, or with your gym. (If you do a gym challenge, check out  3D XTREME™)! If you need an idea for you and/or somebody else, I might be biased, but I like 5ks and November is going to bring a throng of Turkey Trots that are going to be begging for everybody in the family to join in before trying to squeeze the turkey in the oven on Thanksgiving Day. So, why not find a local 5K and start prepping for it with your grandparents, your siblings, or some other hardy soul? All it takes to start is a commitment to one half-mile increment at a time.

This entry was contributed by Stephanie Berger, a Public Relations and Marketing intern at Hedstrom - Ball, Bounce and Sport. She studies at the University of South Carolina and is addicted to breakfast foods and sunshine. 

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