15 people

+ 10 BOSU® Balance Trainers

+ 1 Gym Room

= Utter Exhaustion

Nobody ever said that workouts were supposed to be for the meek.

Nobody ever said that plastic balls were supposed to be for the weak.

I was intrigued by the assurances of the fliers in the gym that the 3D XTREME™ class session would combine together cardio, conditioning and core workouts all into one package. So I signed up. Yet I didn’t expect as much sweat to be coming out of my pores as all that did when I tried out my first 3D XTREME™ class.

The night of the class, I walked in, looked around, and thought, “I think I can manage this.”

I’ll spare the details, but manage I did. Halfway through the 50 minute session I started feeling like I had burnt enough calories to last me the rest of the week. I guess peer pressure does have its benefits because the only reason I finished was the 14 other participants in there kept going…I didn’t think I would be able to show my face back at the gym if I walked out of there defeated by plastic and rubber. At the end, all the social butterflies started excitedly rehashing the workout. I squeezed out a smile before I just barely was able to drag my body out the door and to my car across the parking lot.

After I recuperated, I reflected. I liked it. It’s not like I’ve never sweated before and it’s not like I’ve never had a good workout before, so it wasn’t unique in those regards. What I liked most was the functional combination that made me feel like I had done 3 different workouts in one day. So for my 50 minutes of high-intensity action, it was an effective workout. It doesn’t take much for me to sweat, but that workout was worth every drop of it.

Sweat never felt so sweet.

Watch the live action here.

This entry was contributed by Stephanie Berger, a Public Relations and Marketing intern at Hedstrom - Ball, Bounce and Sport. She studies at the University of South Carolina and is addicted to breakfast foods and sunshine.

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