Sweet Corn Has Antioxidants!

August is here, September is approaching, and Midwesterners everywhere are celebrating sweet corn season. While summer is usually ushered in with commitments to work out and eat healthier in order to be in tip-top shape for swimsuit season, the festivities and parties of summer can have the tendency to shove those commitments to the wayside.

But never fear! Summer is not yet over and you can remain committed to choosing one of the healthier options offered at lavish picnics and outdoor barbecues. Take a look at sweet corn. For all the buzz about Monsanto’s GMO corn, sweet corn isn’t all bad. (Also, the hype about GMO corn mostly applies to field corn which is fed to livestock. Most sweet corn isn’t genetically modified, and the sweet corn that is hasn’t had the most success penetrating the markets.
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1. Antioxidants-Sweet corn is full of antioxidants. The best part is, those antioxidants are still active when cooked. Eating boiled or grilled corn on the cob won’t reduce the benefits that antioxidants have. The antioxidants may help reduce risk of cancer and prevent inflammation.

2. Fiber-A cup of corn has about 3.5 grams of fiber. Fiber helps prevent constipation, which is enough reason in itself to prove beneficial. Fiber has other perks as well, such as lowering cholesterol levels and chance of heart disease. And one more thing, fiber is also useful for those who are trying to maintain weight or lose it, because it will give you the feeling of being full for a longer period of time.

3. Lutein and Zeaxanthin- These fancy words are carotenoids. You should be excited about this because they promote healthier eyes. Reduced chance of macular degeneration…I’ll take it!

4. Thiamine-This is also known as Vitamin B1. Sweetcorn has high levels of thiamine, which could be useful for enhancing your memory and reducing risk of Alzheimer’s.

5. Potassium-A cup of corn may contain between 300 to 400 milligrams of potassium. Potassium can help lower blood pressure. If you have high blood pressure, increasing your potassium is something you might want to consider.

6. Sugars- This is an argument that people might refer to and avoid sweet corn when reality is that a serving of corn has less sugar than an apple or a cup of pineapple. (Just remember that adding butter will not make your corncob healthier for you!)

This entry was contributed by Stephanie Berger, a Public Relations and Marketing intern at Hedstrom - Ball, Bounce and Sport. She studies at the University of South Carolina and is addicted to breakfast foods and sunshine.

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