8 Fitness Activities to Add to Your Bucket List

The CrossFit craze has taken the United States by storm in the past decade. Membership is still steadily increasing and brands like Reebok are coming out with lines of apparel expressly designed for CrossFitters. CrossFit competitions further suggest that CrossFit is not going to loosen the firm hold that it is has gained in the fitness arena.

You can’t deny that CrossFitters are enthusiastic and dedicated to what they do, but their enthusiasm for what they do is not unique. Take a look at these trends that have acquired just as devoted and enthusiastic a following. Some you may be familiar with and others are just starting to take off.

1. Parkour

Parkour was developed in France in the ‘80s and comes from the French term “parcours” which translates to “course” in English. It was developed as a movement that allows the practitioner to be able to naturally respond to the environment around him with agility and flexibility. The athletes are referred to as traceurs and will typically vault, jump, run and climb through obstacles found in urban locations. Don’t assume this sport is strictly for youth. Traceurs of any age can be found leaping over obstacles in the park.

2. Bossaball

This high-intensity sport was developed in 2004 by a Belgian living in Spain. Think trampoline, beach volleyball and soccer all rolled into one. It has barely been one decade since its inception, but it nevertheless has gathered such wide support that organized competitive matches have been established around Europe and Central and South America.

3. Retro-Walking

There are those individuals that like to walk. (Some get up early to walk to the end of the driveway to retrieve a morning newspaper. Some take a walk after dinner with the dog. Some spend lunch strolling through the park.) But have you ever thought of walking backwards? In China and Japan, walking backwards through the park isn’t unheard of. As crazy as strolling around town backwards may seem, there are studies that say that walking backwards does have benefits and can reduce joint pain.

If nothing else walking backwards does give a unique perspective of life. Check out this artist who filmed Tokyo walking backwards. Who knew?

4. Obstacle Course Racing

Spartan Races. Mud runs. Obstacle races aren’t new and they certainly aren’t unheard of. But this certainly isn’t your typical run-of-the-mill fitness trend and is worthy of being added to a bucket list for those who have yet to take the plunge and enter one. The old-fashioned community 5K goes ten steps further with a series of challenging obstacles that only the strongest can get through. This is NOT for the timid. If you’re up for the challenge go ahead and take the plunge. Register for the next one held in your community. While you’re signing up, check out this guide expressly designed for prepping for a Spartan Race.

5. Hot Yoga

Hot yoga has gained traction for those looking for a more intense approach to yoga. Yoga is performed in rooms that are heated up to 105° F. The high temperatures and humidity of the rooms will rapidly raise your heart rate and tire out your muscles. The increased heat also provides people with the opportunity to feel more flexible. While it has recently gained popularity, the debates continue to persist on whether or not it is beneficial.
6. Capoeira

This is a Brazilian martial art that has been around for several centuries and was used by slaves to practice fighting. The music served as way to disguise it as a dance without detection from slave overseers. After watching captivating combination of acrobatics, dance, and rhythm, it is understandable why the centuries-long fascination with capoeira has persisted into modern day.


High-intensity interval training. These workouts incorporate several short high-intensity repetitions with recoveries in between. These workouts are thought to be more effective at increasing a particular athletic ability because of the focus on intensity. This has become a fan favorite not just because it is touted for increasing metabolism and burning through fat at faster rates, but also because of the short workout duration. What’s not to like? More effective workout and less time…I’ll take it.

8. Unicycling

Okay. Maybe this isn’t new. Maybe it’s not a trend. But who says it can’t be made into a trend? After all, how many people are confident in their skills on a unicycle? Join the others dedicated to this one-wheel peculiarity and start a movement. I’m not an expert, but it’s hard to imagine how scooting around town on a unicycle wouldn’t do wonders for your core muscles and coordination.

This blog was contributed by Stephanie Berger, a Public Relations and Marketing intern at Hedstrom - Ball, Bounce and Sport. She studies at the University of South Carolina and is addicted to breakfast foods and sunshine.

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