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  • Balance for Children and Autism

Dog Vs. Runner


The other day I decided to try something new. I decided to try a morning run. I got up at the crack of dawn and patted myself on the back for beating the neighbors AND the sun out of bed. I stumbled out of the house into the dark and down the road. I’m pretty sure my legs were running on autopilot. I couldn't see much in between the morning haze and my half-closed eyelids, let alone recall how I exited the house.

I forget that I’m not the only one who gets inspired to greet the dawn of a cheery new day. I also forget that some people are rudely awakened by an alarm (to beat the garbage man to the end of their driveway with yesterday’s trash). And most importantly, I forget that along with early morning comes the hour of the dog. The hour that dogs spend all night anticipating by lying in front of the door, just waiting for the master of the house to arise from his slumber and open the door. If Master pushes the snooze button just once, Dog is compelled to remind the snoring humanoid just how small his bladder really is.

I’m pounding the pavement rhythmically. As if from a dream, I hear muffled noises. I am struggling to focus through the narrow slits of my eyelids. I keep pounding. I am blasted to reality by barking on my right. My eyes fly open and I whirl to face whatever it was that was responsible for disturbing my morning tranquility. I see a large barking machine and I am instantly flooded with memories of “The Beast” from The Sandlot.

Instinct tells me to gun it and run faster. But I look at the massive paws. There are four of them. I look down at my two trainers and I remember that dogs have twice as many legs as I. As much as I would like to think otherwise, I wouldn't even bet on myself to outrun a dog.
I stop. And just like out of an old spaghetti western we freeze and measure each other up. I can almost hear the tune from The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly playing in the background. The mutt licks his chops and one disgusting slobber of drool drips to the ground. I raise my right hand to stop my stopwatch. The ‘beep’ brings on another round of barking. The owner, panting, runs up and yells at him. I learn that the beast is named Freddy. Perhaps it is because I am still half asleep or perhaps it is because I have learned such an intimate detail about this hunk of fur, but I realize that I feel a sense of power over him. I am not afraid.

The master yells at me. “Don’t worry! Freddy won’t hurt you! Just walk away.”

I look at the dog and resist the urge to stick out my tongue. And I walk away. Five steps in, I break into a trot. I am wide awake the rest of the run.

This blog was contributed by Stephanie Berger, a Public Relations and Marketing intern at Hedstrom - Ball, Bounce and Sport. She studies at the University of South Carolina and is addicted to breakfast foods and sunshine.

How Do Children BOSU?

The BOSU® Balance Trainer is an effective tool that is often utilized by a wide range of athletes and adults as part of a training routine. When using the Balance Trainer, your body is forced to recruit numerous core and stabilizing muscles in order to balance. This development of balance, core strength and coordination is important for even the most novice workout enthusiast.

Overlooked is the importance of developing all of those same skills in children. One additional benefit of using the BOSU® Balance Trainer, especially, for children, is its ability to encourage the engagement of something called the vestibular system. The vestibular system, while it sounds complicated, is basically responsible for helping us to maintain control and awareness of where our body is in space. This system also plays a behind-the-scenes role in stabilizing vision and balance.

With a growing number of children being diagnosed every day with conditions, such as Autism, sensory processing disorder, ADHD, etc., there is more and more awareness of the importance of the vestibular system. To put it simply, for an individual to respond appropriately to sights, sounds or even touches their vestibular system needs to be “turned on.” The common thread with many of the above diagnoses and learning disorders is a dysfunction of the vestibular system; thus, making it very difficult for these children to navigate basic everyday situations.

Many interventions for children use items like swings or trampolines to stimulate the vestibular system. The challenge is these methods only address input in one plane of gravity. As we go through daily life, none of us moves within one plane of space. Typical movement integrates all three planes: horizontal, vertical, and sagittal. The answer? The BOSU® Balance Trainer! The Balance Trainer is so versatile with the positions in when it can be used and the endless activities that can be safely performed that it is easy to provide the vestibular input needed in each plane.     

The most appealing part of using the BOSU® Balance Trainer with children: it is really fun! Because of the myriad of safe activities, all of which have significant benefits, children can be creative and make up their own games using the Balance Trainer. Play with the BOSU® Balance Trainer is purposeful, meaningful, imaginative and, most importantly, FUN. The Balance Trainer activities have so many inherent benefits for children they should be a staple in every child’s play routine!

Written by: Kim Partlow, MAOT CNFT
C.E.O. Neuro-Fit Systems, Inc.

How Many Calories Are ACTUALLY in Fair Food?


What A Person's Gym Shoes Says About Them

We love the diversity of people dedicated to working out, looking good, and being fit. You have to admit that it takes serious motivation and commitment to go to the gym, let alone sign up for a gym membership.

The beauty is that there isn’t just one certain group of people that puts forth that dedication. You can meet a wide variety of people at the gym.

Take a look at the shoes. You can tell a lot about somebody working out just by looking at their shoes.

  • White Sneakers. The little lady that always smiles and waves before stepping on the treadmill is wearing a pair of white sneakers. While the shoes are inconspicuous, do not underestimate her dedication. Even when she isn’t at the gym, she stays active getting up early to bake for the family and stays out late at the grandkids' T-ball games.
  • Gray Cross-Trainers from Asics. You’ll recognize him as the working man next door. The friendly neighbor that stops at the gym on the way home from the office will be reacquainting himself with the dumbbells that he knew oh-so-well back in his younger days. Maybe you currently bench-press more than he does, but stop and ask him what he used to do and what his goals are.
  • Flashy Nikes. Clearly an extrovert. The people wearing these are dedicated to looking good and being fit. (Or they have a significant other that makes sure they look good.) If you are lucky, you can catch them taking a selfie. Instagram will make those bright colors pop.
  • Classic Pair of Adidas. This guy pumps some serious iron. Don’t let the tough-guy act fool you; you can find his soft spot and start up some conversation if you offer to buy him a protein shake.
  • The Sleek Pumas. Back in the day this person was a track star or soccer goddess.This person has a lot of self-confidence in his or her ability. Whether or not that confidence is well-founded is for you to decide.
  • Worn-out Mizunos or Sauconys. You probably are in the proximity of a runner. Don’t take it personal if they start to speed up when you step on the treadmill. They can’t help it. In response you should either: a) speed up and give them a run for their money, b) carry on as planned, or c)switch to the elliptical.
  • A Pair of Reebok or New Balance. You’ve likely spotted a CrossFitter. Take note of their workout intensity. If you love extreme enthusiasm go and strike up some conversation. Or avoid them if you don’t. Either way you should take note that you might find yourself subconsciously competing against them on the rowing machines.
If you’re competitive, you might find yourself eying up everybody else as competitors. But just because somebody wears a different pair of shoes doesn’t mean you should avoid them. They say that birds of the same feather flock together. Put that notion to rest. Work out with somebody else who has a different pair of kicks. Regardless of whether it be fitness or shoe related, you are likely to learn something new at the gym. And if you are open to people of a different shoe, you just might get a new workout buddy.

This entry was contributed by Stephanie Berger, a Public Relations and Marketing intern at Hedstrom - Ball, Bounce and Sport. She studies at the University of South Carolina and is addicted to breakfast foods and sunshine.

BOSU Commercial Break Workout

BOSU® Commercial Break Workout

David Weck, BOSU® Balance Trainer inventor once stated,

“I think the best place to put BOSU® is in the TV room.”

We love the BOSU®. We love our TV shows. Commercials...not so much love there. So, we’ve developed a fun workout routine that includes BOSU® in with your favorite shows! During the commercial breaks, be productive with some of these exercises! Share it with your friends!

First Commercial:
1 commercial BOSU® sit ups
1 commercial of Mountain Climber
1-2 commercial’s worth of Side Planks

Second Commercial:
1 commercial of Burpees
1 commercial of BOSU® Squats (with or without weights!)
1 commercial of Straight Arm Planks

Third Commercial:
1 commercial of push ups
2 commercials of One-Legged Bridges
1 commercial of Kneeling with Trunk Rotations

Fourth Commercial:
1 commercial of BOSU® Dome Toe Taps
2 commercials of Lunges (one for each leg!)
1 Set of Down Under. (Try two if the commercial is long!)

Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth... in a healthier way

You exercise. You eat right. Maybe you don’t go out with your friends because you don’t want any temptations—just the slightest whiff of a burger, fries, or any kind of dessert could make you cave.

Then comes cheat day. The day that allows you to reward yourself for all that you’ve done the past week—the salads, the squats, the running…

If you’re like me, you have a love-hate relationship with cheat day. You get to indulge in what you’ve been missing all week, but sometimes it can be taken too far. Sometimes it’s hard to convince yourself to eat healthy again the next day because, let’s face it, that chocolate chip cookie just tasted so good. And sometimes you might slip before cheat day arrives, and it can send you down the slippery slope of going back to your old ways.

“I have self-control. I know I won’t overdo it,” you might say. And that’s great! But, unfortunately, not all of us possess that kind of self-control, and that is nothing to be ashamed of.

Don’t worry—there is a solution. You can still satisfy your sweet tooth on cheat day—you deserve to!—but do it more wisely.

But how?

There’s an answer to that, too. (And it’s easy, I promise). Find recipes that are still healthy but also give you the indulgence that you need. It’s cheating without really cheating.

Now, I don't mean eat some fruit when you're craving sweets. Fruit is wonderful, but that's not always what you want on cheat day. I'm talking about truly treating yourself—ice cream, cookies, pie.

To save you some time, here are 10 of my favorite sweet and healthy desserts. Give these a try on your next cheat day!

Again, the key is to have these only on occasion and in proportion, but I hope these recipes allow you to enjoy your next cheat day (without all the calories).

For more recipes (sweet and savory), follow BOSU Fitness on Pinterest.

Do you have a favorite cheat day recipe? I’d love to hear it!

This blog entry was contributed by Adena Siefert, a PR and Marketing Intern at Hedstrom - Ball, Bounce and Sport. She recently graduated from Ashland University with degrees in Sport Communication and Public Relations. She loves puppies and flowers.

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